Cosmic Artifacts

Exploring ancient astrology, metaphysics, and ancient cultures with a focus on ancient magical texts and practices

The Dangers of the Eclipse- Sun and North Node

Sun and North Node EclipseThe foundational text of astrological magic and talismans Picatrix (Ghayat al Hakim) was published in English for the first time in its immense history, from a medieval Latin manuscript, by Christopher Warnock and John Michael Greer in 2011.

Although the book had been published by Ouroboros Press in two volumes (2002 and 2008) from Arabic manuscripts, it was generally not usable in practice due to the highly specific astrological terms being misunderstood by the translator and most of the key instructions, such as the proper astrological conditions for combining the sun with the north node, were omitted or mistranslated.

The Warnock-Greer edition had the notable distinction of being translated and edited by a practicing astrologer.… Continue reading

The Blood Moon Eclipse of Alexander the Great

Alexander The Great standing in front of a full blood moon

In only 13 years Alexander the Great conquered one of the largest empires in human history whose influence continues to this day.  His empire stretched from Greece, parts of north Africa, Egypt, and across approximately one fourth of the continent of Asia, all the way to India. Although vastly outnumbered, Alexander rapidly defeated the Persian Empire which encompassed almost half of the world’s population and was his most stunning achievement.

Like Sultan Mehmet II almost 2,000 years later, Alexander the Great carefully timed his most important battle and unlikely victory around a lunar eclipse, also known as a Blood Moon, and performed an astrological magic ritual shortly after his initiation into the most secret rites of the Egyptian priesthood.… Continue reading

Astrological Factors for Creating Talismans

Astrological Factors for Creating Talismans

Below are the astrological factors that I use for creating astrological talismans, which I compiled from the notoriously difficult and complicated instructions in Picatrix.

This list applies to all types of talismans, whether it be planetary, zodiac or one of the fixed stars.

First and foremost: Appearance, material and art style is secondary. The astrological configuration is the single most important factor. 

This is backed up by Picatrix and virtually all other known sources. It is far better to have an unsightly piece of metal with a crude engraving made under optimal astrological conditions than a flashy, attractive piece of art made under poor or minimal astrological conditions.… Continue reading

The Magi – Astrologers, Magicians & Forgotten Pioneers of Western Civilization?

Introduction – The Persian Magi

Often overshadowed in historical narratives, they Persian Magi were instrumental in shaping the foundational elements of Western civilization. Their contributions to monotheistic religions, human rights, and Greek philosophy will be explored in-depth.

The Persian Magi may be the single most important group of people in the history of the western world and among the most overlooked. The three great Monotheistic religions grew from them in some way. Ideas like human rights, cross-cultural exchange of ideas, religious tolerance, and preserving ancient knowledge started with the Persian Empire 2,500 years ago. And finally, Greek philosophy, from which rational inquiry, the scientific method, and democracy emerged came about largely as a result of Greeks learning from the Magi from which the philosophers grew and influenced the world for the next 2,000 years.Continue reading

Unlocking the Potential of Mercury Talismans

Mercury Talisman on a cosmic backgroundIn the fascinating realm of medieval and Renaissance astrology, each planet holds unique attributes, influencing various aspects of human life. Among these celestial bodies, Mercury, named after the Roman messenger god, stands out for its diverse associations. This blog post will delve into the intriguing world of Mercury talismans, providing a brief yet comprehensive overview of their significance and potential benefits. For a more detailed exploration, feel free to visit our comprehensive guide on planetary talismans.

Communication and Intellect

Mercury, in the astrological realm, is the planet of communication and intellect. Talismans associated with Mercury are believed to enhance the wearer’s communication skills and mental clarity, thereby boosting their intellectual abilities.… Continue reading

Exploring the Mystical Influence of Venus Talismans

Venus Talisman GuideIn the realm of medieval and Renaissance astrology, the planet Venus held a special place. It was associated with a multitude of talismanic attributes, each one offering unique benefits to the wearer. This blog post offers a brief exploration of the Venus section from our comprehensive guide on Planetary Talismans.

Love and Romance

Venus, the celestial embodiment of love and romance, was believed to bestow upon its talisman wearers an irresistible charm and allure. The Venus talismans were seen as potent enhancers of one’s romantic prospects, amplifying their appeal and increasing their chances of finding true love.

Beauty and Aesthetics

The planet Venus was also revered for its connection to beauty and aesthetics.… Continue reading

The Power of Mars Talismans: A Quick Guide

 mars talismanIn the fascinating world of medieval and Renaissance astrology, Mars holds a special place. Known for its fiery red hue and named after the Roman god of war, Mars has been associated with a variety of talismanic attributes. This brief guide will delve into the key attributes of Mars talismans, offering a glimpse into their historical significance and uses. For a more comprehensive exploration, be sure to check out our full article on planetary talismans.

Courage and Strength

Mars, the embodiment of courage and strength, was revered for its association with physical prowess and combat. Mars talismans were believed to amplify these qualities, enhancing the wearer’s bravery and physical abilities.… Continue reading

Unveiling the Power of Jupiter Talismans

Jupiter TalismansJupiter, the king of the Roman gods, has long been associated with a plethora of talismanic attributes in the realm of medieval and Renaissance astrology. This blog post offers a quick dive into the fascinating world of Jupiter talismans, providing a glimpse into their rich history and potent attributes. For a more comprehensive exploration, be sure to check out our full guide on Planetary Talismans.

Wealth and Abundance

Jupiter, in its celestial grandeur, has always been a symbol of wealth and abundance. This is particularly true in the context of generosity and good fortune. Talismans associated with Jupiter were believed to act as magnets for wealth and good luck, drawing these blessings towards the wearer.… Continue reading

The Power of Saturn Talismans: A Quick Dive

Saturn TalismanIn the rich tapestry of medieval and Renaissance astrology, Saturn held a unique place. It was associated with a variety of attributes, each symbolized in talismans that served different purposes for the wearer. This blog post offers a succinct exploration of the Saturn section from our comprehensive guide on planetary talismans.

Protection and Banishing Negative Influences

Saturn, in the historical context, was revered as a celestial guardian. Talismans inspired by this planet were believed to provide a protective aura, shielding the wearer from harmful influences. They were considered potent amulets, capable of dispelling evil spirits and negative energies, thereby offering a sense of safety and security.… Continue reading

The Mystical Moon: A Quick Guide to Lunar Talismans

Moon Talismans GuideIn the grand tapestry of medieval and Renaissance astrology, lunar talismans emerge as pivotal tools, harnessing the Moon’s profound influence to serve a multitude of purposes. This short guide goes into the heart of lunar talismanic magic, offering a glimpse into the rich history, symbolism, and profound impact these celestial artifacts wield. From emotional stability to prosperity, and from enhancing intuition to fostering love, lunar talismans encapsulate the mystical essence of the Moon’s power.

The Moon’s Talismanic Attributes

Emotional Stability and Protection

Moon talismans were often sought for their protective qualities and their ability to bestow emotional stability. They were believed to help the wearer find inner peace, balance, and harmony in their emotional life, providing a sense of security and protection.… Continue reading

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Cosmic Artifacts

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